About Sundog Arts & Entertainment Faire

Our Mission

To provide a service to the members of the Sundog Arts Society that will be unsurpassed by any other organization or society. To be an asset to our exhibitors, which will allow them to provide a craft show unique to all others. To maintain our reputation as Saskatchewan’s Premiere Showcase of Arts and Crafts. Please Click here to see our Society Objectives and Bylaws.

Sundog Profile

The prime focus of the Sundog Arts Society has always been to promote arts, crafts and music, making them available to the general Saskatoon public. The first Sundog Handcraft Faire was held in the lower level of the Centennial Auditorium in 1974. The event grew in popularity every year and was moved to the Saskatoon Field House in 1983 to better accommodate the crowds and then in 1994 to Saskatchewan Place after one year at the Titan Building. Held annually, on the first weekend in December, Sundog is pleased to host approximately 14,000 patrons during the three days of the Faire.

Sundog has always incorporated a Craft Market and Specialty Food Area with other forms of entertainment. Our Main Stage Area features non-stop entertainment from across Saskatchewan, all presented within a multicultural Food Court. The Demonstration Area features various guilds, while the Information Area is reserved for culturally related groups. the Children’s area provides our younger patrons with their own fun and entertainers. Sundog is truly something for everyone.

Sundog is a non-profit organization, run by a volunteer board. A Coordinator is paid an honorarium to administrate the Faire. All performers, Children’s area coordinator and workers, and community groups are also paid honorariums. We have always worked closely with community groups to increase their exposure, as well as provide a fund raising venue for them. In turn, these organizations provide various services such as coat check, entrance and food court monitoring, ticket sellers, etc., We utilize approximately 200 volunteers.

The promotion of Sundog incorporates all forms of advertising in our promotional package. We extensively use local and rural newspapers, local and provincial magazines, television, radio, live remotes, billboards and mail-outs. We are pleased to partner with Tourism Saskatoon and Tourism Saskatchewan to highlight Sundog, as well as our wonderful city and beautiful province!

The Sundog Arts & Entertainment Faire has become an eagerly anticipated event during the Christmas season for Saskatoon and area shoppers. We look forward to the future and to remaining Saskatchewan’s Premier Festival of Handcrafts.

Sundog Board of Directors & Coordinator

The Sundog Board of Directors is made up of a group of individuals who are Artists or Crafters just like our members and are elected to the position by the membership.

President – Shelley Hubbs (306-343-1892) Shelley owns Metal Designz and creates beautiful Jewellery using a number of Techniques. She started as a Chainmail artist and has grown into a metalsmith. Truly one of a kind designs! Shelley enjoys travelling to craft shows across Canada, seeking new Members for Sundog!

Vice-President – Vancant

Treasurer – Cheryl Grummett (306-931-4790) Past President, Cheryl works in clay and as a juried exhibitor can be found marketing her marvellous creations at other Shoes as well as Sundog under the name of “Cats - N- Castles”. Being treasurer is a demanding job so Cheryl is taking time off from exhibiting for now.

Secretary – Lavella Shaw (306-343-6589) Mom & Me Crafts specializes in quality handmade whimsical wood and fabric crafts which are a blend of primitive & rustic country.

Director-at-Large – Marlene Matiko (306-384-3309) is the artist behind Horizon Glass ‘N Stone, as well as experimenting in the art of photography. Marlene’s expertise in glass is much appreciated.

Director-at-Large – Jennie Vessey (306-260-9097) Jennie works with alpaca fibre to knit, crochet and felt for her family-owned Prairie Wind Alpacas.

Director-at-Large – Norma Coates (306-384-3309) Norma is a photographer and our newest Board Member!

Sundog Co-ordinator – Diane Boyko (384-7364) No wheel can run without a hub, Diane is invaluable as the co-ordinator of what is the premiere showcase of arts and crafts in Saskatchewan. The energy and enthusiasm projected by Diane is highly infectious.