Local Arts Entertainment & Food Faire
The Show
The Sundog Arts and Entertainment Faire 2021 has been cancelled due to Covid-19. We were hopeful that with vaccines and a year of shutdowns and social distancing that the pandemic would be in our rear view mirrors. However, at this point Covid-19 Infections in Saskatoon are skyrocketing with no way to know what the next couple months will bring. It’s simply too big of a risk to try and hold a large indoor event. Our health care system is at a breaking point, and we feel it is in the best interest of safety for our members, our volunteer organizations, and our community to cancel Sundog 2021. We will do our best to plan our show for 2022 – but the health and safety of our community is our top concern. Thank you for understanding and for your continued support!
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Our Roots
The prime focus of the Sundog Arts Society has always been to promote arts, crafts and music, making them available to the general Saskatoon public. The first Sundog Handcraft Faire was held in the lower level of the Centennial Auditorium in 1974.